We did it; Stacy Abrahams, Kamala Harris & Raphael Warnock. If you thought having Barack Obama as a president was life-changing, imagine what these up-next black people are about to do.
No matter how conscious I am of the fact that voting for the best choice doesn't always work how we want it, there is always hope that maybe it could in the way I see it. As we have seen in the last couple of days, it takes a village to raise a country. Not one type of person has the answer.
I was able to be apart of the first black man from Georgia, Rev. Raphael Warnock, being welcomed to the Senate floor. Not only was this long overdue, it was well needed for the change we immediately need to see happen.
These changes will bring more hope and direction to those seeking adoption and needing adoption, as black and brown children will not only get the attention they need, but the services they need, to make sure they can fight to be in the same spaces of those we are cheering on today.
Although Joshua may not know what all it means to me, I know he felt my energy after it all happened. It's always my goal to make sure that Joshua knows how greatness and black excellence can change the world; even if it seems like it can take a while.
I take pride in knowing when he grows older, he will know about the great black men and women who paved the way for us both, and how it was because of his mothers voting that his path was made easier.
Keep voting, you're changing the world.
- Deb + Josh